Thursday, January 22, 2009

Holy mother-fucker!
I spent a lot of money in this past month. Infact; let's make a list of the things I sepnt the most on.
1. 8:50$ To see fucking Twilight 9Which I hate in the first place.)
2. 40$ on UK import of Sing The Sorrow.
3. 30$ On a dress i'll only wear once.
4. 30$ on an AFI shirt
5. 15$ on a manga comic i've read once.
6. 5$ on the Ice Capp' I ended up giving to Miss.Epic.
7. 26$ on a jumper i'll wear to grad and that's `bout it.
8. .97-cents to buy Ashley a doughnut.
9. 40$ I just decided to loose.
Another thing i'd like to pointlessly blog about is sexuality; I'm bi, get the fuck over it.
And Ashley dear? I fucking love you. :)
Another-thing; is Tweaty-bird a guy or a girl? Or is it both.. He makes me question myself.

1 comment:

  1. Dekay!! I want update!!
    Your way to cute.
    Love you lots,
    Ashley xox
