Saturday, January 31, 2009

Clever in what she does when she sings the smiles she brings to all of you; unawear of whats to come.
I think I've finally came up wih my idea of what it means.
Yes yes, I know what your all thinking; "Your the millonith little girl who dreams of becoming famous, it's not gonna happen."
But what if it does? Unlike most little girls I try, I put my face, my name, my brand everywere. This is my lives goal; this is my life. It's something i've always wanted, it's something i've needed.
Then why does no one know who I am? Am I going about this all wrong? I've tried so hard; and it's got me nowhere; NO-FUCKING-WHERE. Why is there's so many unworthy people making it huge? They just rip-off each other and do a horendious job at best!
But I do things original; I cleared the cliches and made a platet of my own; and nobody's noticed. Is that what everyone wants, the same bubble-gum poser-punk shit they've selling for years?
This shit is fucked up.
this shit will fuck you up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For a moment I'll think of asking;
"Could we lie here for a moment if only to listen to your heart,
Beat out my name; a rythm of our own?"

Taking a bullet to the head
Was much eaiser then listening to the words you said.

You lied.

I suck at poetry; sue me. `ta <3.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Holy mother-fucker!
I spent a lot of money in this past month. Infact; let's make a list of the things I sepnt the most on.
1. 8:50$ To see fucking Twilight 9Which I hate in the first place.)
2. 40$ on UK import of Sing The Sorrow.
3. 30$ On a dress i'll only wear once.
4. 30$ on an AFI shirt
5. 15$ on a manga comic i've read once.
6. 5$ on the Ice Capp' I ended up giving to Miss.Epic.
7. 26$ on a jumper i'll wear to grad and that's `bout it.
8. .97-cents to buy Ashley a doughnut.
9. 40$ I just decided to loose.
Another thing i'd like to pointlessly blog about is sexuality; I'm bi, get the fuck over it.
And Ashley dear? I fucking love you. :)
Another-thing; is Tweaty-bird a guy or a girl? Or is it both.. He makes me question myself.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Could every one CHILL THE FUCK OUT WITH THE CALLING ME A LESBIAN THING? Thank-fucking-you. Really, because i'm going out with a girl doesn't mean I need every's sterotypic fucking veiws.
`ta. <3

Monday, January 12, 2009

I feel `kinda funny; it's really unexplainable. It's like a deep hurt and confusion mixed into a deadly cocktail; if that makes much sense. How could I be so stupid to do what I did; to fall for what I have? It's my fault for the pain, for being stupid and ignorant, but how could I not help myself?
We all want perfection; I thought I found it but it's so far; i'm sorry for hurting you with that. Maybe one day i'll grow out of it, and i'll be able to make you happy again? I'm so lost I can't make sense of my words even; they all just spill out into a careless mess. Is that what I am; Careless? Careless for your feelings and my own? I'm even more lost now; i've only confused myself with this mess. I turned something beautiful into something ugly and complex. I'm a fucking fool.
But I can't stop what I feel; I want to crawl in a hole and die because of that. But I know that would hurt you more; so how can I stop? I just need answers. Like why I love him... Ta <3

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I know, I'm a horrible updater. I'm somewhat sorry? Anyways; died my hair, it wasn't so bold. Just pink bangs and some small hot pink streaks. Nice sexy cut too; matches my black dress. (I know; I surprise myself too)
I do want to say something though; anyone who says they're my friends and then they backstab me, can go fuck themselves. I'm honest and utterly sick of it. Your immature for doing it; grow the fuck up.
`Nuff said. Ta <3
P.s To Austin, if you say you love her as much as you do; don't fall for Sam's petty tricks. They're dumb and most of all childish. Believe me, if you gave up Dru from that, something is seriously wrong with you.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy new years!
Alright; i'm alittle late; so what? Anyways; might be dying my hair for my birthday; which is a week away. I'M GETTING SO OLD. (See what I mean when I said i'd end up ranting?) So-on; i'm planing to dye it blaqk with Pink and Blue streaks; original right?
Enough for now;

Ta <3