Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well Whore, here it is, my heart is now offically being pored all over you bianry code.

Every morning I wake up, happy, refreshed, ready to go. But I just sit there, and I start thinking about how useless it is to do anything, I can't find a point to even get out of bed. So I just lay there untill one or two, then I force myself out of bed because I know if I don't I won't get up. I have to be told to eat, or else I won't. I either don't care enough to, or I forget all together.
I mostly sit in the same spot, the same postion and not say a word all day because my mind cant think of anything other then "Why the fuck should I talk when we just repeat the same things over everyday?" So I say nothing. And when I do talk, I don't say things other then yes, no or maybe. If something good happens in the day, I'm only happy for awhile untill my head starts comming up with the wor st possible things it could. So i try to sleep, but i cant. so i stay up at night noticing the small unimportant details in life, because its the only amusment i find. and when i do start to sleep, i have night terrore and the whole prosses starts again.

Everyday I constantly have to lie and say I'm happy, I was hoping I'd start to believe it, but that never will happen. Maybe I'm just not meant to be happy. Maybe it's something in my genetic build up that permits it.

Or maybe I just enable myself to not be.

I'm scared Whore, I can't trust myself. I go to take a pill for a headache, I have to restrain my self from taking the bottle. I go to bath, I have to in shallow water or else I try to drown. I can't cope with this anymore I want out!

I'm sorry,


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey Whore..

I don't know if this is a rant, or me spilling my heart all over your non-exsistant heart. I suppose it could be either, or perhaps even both?

So forth;

i'm in pain, again. I have the sickest filling of utter and total apathy, and there's nothing I can do about it. Why is it life never goes how you want it, why is it so fucked up nothing will ever turn out to be even remotely close to your perception of normalcie?

Why do I feel this utter sickness everyday and have no way to stop it? No one understands when I tell them, hell, I don't even understand myself..

But I've learned to believe it's real, and in my heart, I know it's real.

Why am I such a fool Whore? Maybe in your data-based brain you could compose me an answer you found on google.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


It has been awhile Whore. I really don't have much to say,

I have a wicked headache, but i'm too lazy to turn the cp off and sleep. It's raining, I have school, I might possibly be depressed? O.0

Blah, I could complain all day, but instead I'll write about how much I fancy Cinema Bizarre's new album.


Okay, I'm done now.

<3 ta.