Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hey Whore.

I'm updating you, are you proud of me? Of corse not your a stupid online diary.

So, I have two reasons to this update.

1) I need to vent on something without human emotions.
2) It's been awhile.

I guess I should start,

So, there's this boy. When he talks to me I smile, you know, that same old. I really liked him, of corse I did (You're supposed to like people who make you happy right?). Well, it turns out it was a lot more then like. It was to the point that when he said he felt the same I almost hyperventilaited.

It's to the point I broke up with my girlfriend of eight months to be with him. I suppose I should be happy, right? Well, I am happy. Just, not the happy I should be.

After eight months, a relationship is hard to end. And to do it as I did, was totally horrendious. Especially with the way she felt for me. I'm trying to make it better, but it's not working. Of corse not. Even you Whore, the stupid online diary without any emotion or personal thought's know it's not gonna get better. No matter what I fucking do, it won't get better. So why am I trying? Why not leave him and go back to her?

A) I can't do that, it would hurt me to that. Plus, the damage is done, it wouldn't fix abything.
B) I don't want to lose her.

The eightmonths we shared was amazing, the friendship we shared before that was amazing to. I miss it, sometimes I wish we didn't know eachothers feelings for eachother, then I realize, those 8 months would have been complete hell.

I guess to say what I can't, I'll use some lyrics from AFI. "If only pure sweetness was offered, why's this bitter taste left in my mouth?"


Monday, February 16, 2009

Hello whore,

Im updating you again. As you all see, I added pacman for all you 80's goers. Yep.

In other news I got a laptop; it's pink.

Ta <3

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hello Blog;
Yes, good ol'blog I can complain to and it can't tell me to shut the fuck up. Ah yes, my blog.I'm thinking about naming you some other then blog; So your new name is Whore, yes blog i'm calling you Whore.

My first rant if why can't I ever be happy happy? Dru brought it to my attention 'Bad things happen to go people." she also went on to say I must be an angel then.
Well Whore, I am most diffinetly a nice person, I put other peoples feelings before mine. As long as every one else is happy, I'm happy. Or not, Have ANY of you realized how up happy I really am? Or is this another time I'm shouting curse words at the wall?
WHY WON'T YOU LET ME BE HAPPY; why do you always take it away!?!?! Does my sorrow make you happy, do you take pleasure in me begging for you to stop. Does it feel good knowing you have my heart in you hand and you can crush when ever you want?
Am I simply a muse to you?
I think i'm done ranting today; `ta