Monday, March 16, 2009

Hey Whore,

This could possibly be one of the only posts you'll ever have. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Anyways, i'm in a reaaaalllllyy good mood right now. I shouldn't be, but I am.
I've narrowed it down to two reasons I am, Nikki Sixx is on t.v, or cause i'm listening to a reaallllyyy good song.

What song may you ask? Don't Stop - Innerpartysystem, it's been awhile since i've listened to it; so it's got my hyphy!

I thought I should aimlessly rant again, this time about my hair product.

Lame? Fuck you. =]

Anyways, I bought this expencive hair... molding.. junk? (I'm not up on names of hair proucts.) Anyways it's called Manga hair, so it's like gel I guess. ANYWAYS, it works so good, but it drieds in five second flat.

I, -being a lazy cunt- Have no time in those five seconds to get even remotly close to backcombing a layer. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?

(God I sounded like a girlie whore there...)

Other shit i'd like to blog about? Ipod touces.

Like fuck, My touch screens going on it already. I've had it for like what, thee months? God damn it.


Hahahahah, So I was talking to Ashley today (like everyday) and Matt (don't even ask) Was questioning if I was a girl or a guy, hahah made my day.

Man, i'm hypppppeeerr.

Anyways, nuff now,

TA! <3

Ashley to anwser my mibba, he totaly DOESN'T get it. =]


  1. Yaya You blogged about me and mat!
    Mat says.. "He doesn't get it? You deserve much better then him dear. Someone who will fuck the ever living daylights out of you everyday!Im always available"
    Matttt get the fuck off myipod!!
    Sorry love. heh..
    Nice update
    i l y. And maybe he wasn't ment to get it..

  2. *I* need a update !!
